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Why You Shouldn’t Violate Probation

There are many reasons why you might be placed on probation. In most cases, the court will require certain actions from you, which are commonly known as “special conditions” of probation. Those special conditions could
include attending sessions on education, performing community service, attending drug or alcohol counseling, and more. You’ll also likely be required to regularly check in nwith one or more probation officers during your term of
probation, which is part of what is referred to as the general conditions of probation.

If you fail to fulfill any of these obligations or conditions, you could be in direct violation of your probation. That might send you to jail or even prison. Even when you have a legitimate excuse (such as you were simply busy and it slipped your mind), you might still land in legal hot water. That’s when you need a dynamic and reliable Daytona Beach criminal defense attorney who can help you make sense of this trying time, and determine the best next steps to take.

Common Probation Violations

Some people think that a new crime has to be committed in order to violate probation. Others
believe that any small infraction could earn you years behind bars. Neither idea is entirely true.
Still, it’s wise to be aware of the most common ways you might violate probation, which

· missing a date for reporting
· failing a mandated urine test
· not being home when required
· breaking curfew or traveling outside of a predetermined area
· failure to comply with job search and other requirements
· and much more

If you believe you’ve been unfairly targeted, or simply have questions about your case, it’s
important to contact Daytona Beach lawyers who are well-versed in these issues.

Technical Violations

Technical violations of probation, while such normally do not rise to a level where you’d be incarcerated, such violations, which can include, but not limited to, not paying owed money, missing appointments, and similar, will usually result in you appearing before the Judge to explain what is going on. Your probation officer will usually have discretion in this regard. If the probation officer determines, however, habitual behavior has occurred, they could ask a judge to issue a confinement in response to violation (CRV). This often means you could serve jail time.

It can be confusing and downright frustrating to keep track of all the legal realities surrounding your probation. That’s when you need a dependable advocate. Volusia County criminal attorneys are available to help you make sense of the situation.

Potential Fallout

As discussed, there are many different scenarios that might happen if you violate probation. You could get a warning, be fined, have the terms of your probation changed or increased, and even face jail time. An experienced and qualified Daytona criminal lawyer can give you a
broader overview of potential fallout. In fact, whenever you’re involved in legal matters, it’s best to partner with attorneys in Daytona Beach, Florida who can help you navigate this often complex process. For nearly 40 years, our firm has represented clients just like you across Central Florida. Contact us today with all of your legal questions, and to get started on your unique case.