Our office will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2nd for the Labor Day Holiday.


Paul Rice Re-Appointed as Chair of Daytona Beach’s Nuisance Abatement Board

Daytona Beach Mayor Derrick Henry recently re-appointed Paul Rice as Chair of the City’s Nuisance Abatement Board. Rice has served as the Board’s Chair for 20 years.

The Board Chair must be a licensed Florida attorney according. The Nuisance Abatement Board hears cases brought by the City’s Police Department against owners and/or tenants whose property allegedly constitutes a public nuisance for one of many statutorily defined reasons. Mr. Rice conducts the hearings which involve sworn testimony from numerous law enforcement and lay witnesses, and he rules on admissibility of evidence and entertains motions made by the Board members.

The goal of the Board and the nuisance abatement laws is to bring the property owner into compliance. If the property owner does not abide by the orders of the Board, then the property owner and/or the business located thereon can have their certificate of occupancy and/or occupational license revoked for up to a year.