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Category: Criminal Defense

police giving man a traffic ticket
The Florida Supreme Court, in a 5-1 Opinion, ruled this month that law enforcement can order a driver out of their vehicle they have pulled over for a routine traffic stop, for officer safety before conducting a vehicle sweep.
Coins on bonds blocks
Based on legislation that was signed into law last year by the Governor of Florida and that went into effective January 1, 2024, the highest Court in the state of Florida, the Florida Supreme Court, must now adopt a uniform bond schedule and be distributed to the twenty judicial circuits in Florida.
Over the many years that I have been a criminal defense attorney, I have heard from many, many individuals during the initial consults, “they didn’t read me my Miranda.” I then ask the person if they made any statements to law enforcement after being arrested about the situation or the crime they have been arrested for, and most times they say no, but they feel that in some fashion not being read their “Miranda Warnings” has an effect on the validity of the arrest.
The Florida Legislature is in full swing for the 2023 Legislative Session in Tallahassee, Florida, and the Florida Senate Criminal Justice Committee is already active with 39 bills pending action before the committee. Some of the key bills to keep an eye on this session are the following:
This year saw a sweeping movement in the Florida Legislature of proposed bills that would have had a large impact on the criminal justice system in Florida. While many of these bills did not become law in Florida, there were several that did, and that went into effect a few months ago- July 1, 2022. This article focuses on 2 of the new Florida criminal laws.
If you’ve been charged with more than one crime, you may be experiencing criminal charge stacking. Continue reading to better understand what criminal charge stacking is and how it could affect you.
When people speak of forgery, they are referring to the attempt to defraud someone through the use of a false written document. Forgery does not only refer to handwriting. It also includes the production or alteration of any legally significant document by use of a printer, typewriter, or engraver.
If you’re facing domestic violence charges in Florida, you may be wondering if there is a chance they could be dropped. You have a good reason to hope for that — the consequences of a domestic violence conviction can be severe and lifelong. After you have been accused of domestic violence, one of the first things you should do is contact a domestic violence defense lawyer in Daytona Beach.
There’s no “rule book” to life, and there are often instances in the past that people feel might come back to haunt their present and future situations. One of those considerations is how a felony conviction could affect child custody. Depending on the offense, you’re not necessarily out of luck in this regard.

There are many reasons why you might be placed on probation. In most cases, the court will require certain actions from you, which are commonly known as “special conditions” of probation. Those special conditions couldinclude attending sessions on education, performing community service, attending drug or alcohol counseling, and more. You’ll also likely be required to […]