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Jackie Roys Accepts VFAWL Director Position

Jackie VFAWL
       Theresa Moore, Associate Professor at Daytona State College
                           & Rice & Rose Attorney Jackie Roys

Jackie Roys has recently accepted a two year director’s position on the board for the Volusia/Flagler’s Association for Women Lawyers. As one of the directors, Ms. Roys will work diligently to promote the advancement of women in the legal profession. The Association, and Ms. Roys as a director, will work to expand the leadership role of women within the community. 

The Florida Association of Women Lawyers (FAWL) was originally a state organization established in 1951 by women lawyers. By 1981 the association changed their name to Florida Association for Women Lawyers and has evolved to include 27 Chapters through out the state.

More information on the Association of Women Lawyers is available at www.fawl.org.

Posted June 14, 2011