
Prosecutor Jacquelyn Roys to Join the Rice & Rose Law Firm

Jackie RoysProsecutor Jacquelyn Roys, currently with the State Attorney’s Office, will be joining the Rice & Rose Law Firm commencing March 21, 2011. She has served as an Assistant State Attorney in the 7th Judicial Circuit since 2002 and is presently the lead prosecutor in the William Gregory murder trial. The jury found Mr. Gregory guilty of two counts of first degree murder on March 4, 2011, and they then recommended the death penalty on March 9, 2011.  Below are links to newspaper articles chronicling this high profile murder case. This is the third murder trial she has tried in the past six months.

Ms. Roys has served as the Sex Crimes Unit Supervisor, Drug Unit Supervisor and Specialized Felony Unit Prosecutor during her tenure with the State Attorney’s office, where she tried over 50 felony trials. She will be concentrating in marital and family law at Rice & Rose.

Ms. Roys was a guest on the March 7th edition of the Rice & Rose Legal Forum which is broadcast on Monday mornings at 9:30am on To listen to the complete program, please click here.

To view the complete listing of the Rice & Rose Legal Forum previous broadcasts, click here.

Posted 3/11/11

View the following links:

          NewsJournal article 2-21-11

          NewsJournal article 3-2-11

          NewsJournal article 3-4-11

          NewsJournal article 3-9-11

          NewsJournal article 3-10-11