

Coins on bonds blocks

Based on legislation that was signed into law last year by the Governor of Florida and that went
into effective January 1, 2024, the highest Court in the state of Florida, the Florida Supreme
Court, must now adopt a uniform bond schedule and be distributed to the twenty judicial circuits
in Florida. Up until now, judicial circuits in Florida had their own advisory bond schedules that
judges at initial or first appearance could refer to in setting monetary bond amounts for arrested
individuals. This gave Judges the discretion to consider factors that he/she felt were relevant in a
particular case and situation as to what should be a reasonable bond for that Defendant. Now,
that has changed, and the uniform bond schedule to be set be the high court in Florida will now
mandate what is to be followed in every judicial circuit in Florida by the judges at initial or first
appearance for monetary bond amounts. The uniform bond schedule will be required by the new
law to be updated annually by the Florida Supreme Court. Stay tuned.

If you have been arrested or charged with a crime, and you like to consult and discuss your case
and to discuss representation, give our office a call. 386-257-1222.