
Category: Blog

Equitable distribution is a mouthful that describes the division of the parties' marital assets and liabilities during a divorce. We divorce lawyers aim to protect our clients' assets. We also help divide up what has been accumulated during the marriage- the cars, the boats, the furniture, the bank accounts, the pensions, IRAs, jewelry, collections and electronics!
It is the nightmare of every tenant. You pay rent, don’t cause any trouble, and suddenly you learn that the property you live in is going through a foreclosure. Worse yet, some tenants do not become aware of the foreclosure until after it is completed and the new owner expects them to vacate the property. The question becomes, how fast must a tenant relocate?
A Homeowners Association, also known as an “HOA,” is an interesting creature of statute. When an individual buys a property governed by an HOA they automatically become a member of the association and their property is subject to the restrictions set forth in the Declaration of Covenants.
Under the dissolution of marriage statute in the state of Florida, when the parties have minor children, one of the first matters that must be decided and made part of what is called the Parenting Plan, is parental responsibility for their children.
According to a recent poll cited in the New York Times, marriage is disappearing. More than 40 per cent of new mothers are unmarried. Many young adults find themselves drifting into parenthood unintentionally.
One of the many difficult decisions divorcing couples face, involves what to do with the their single most valuable marital asset- the marital home.
According to leading legal research website, Westlaw, March is the peak month for divorce filings. Divorce filings uptick in January and reach a crescendo in March. This phenomenon is no doubt related to new year’s resolutions and people’s commitment to take action and make the changes they feel are necessary in their lives.
In the next few weeks, our Florida Legislatures will be convening for their annual legislative session in Tallahassee. Hundreds of bills and legislative proposals on a variety of issues will be addressed in subcommittee meetings and by the State House and Senate as a whole during the session in March and April.
Once your divorce or paternity action is final you may think you will never have to re-visit those issues again. The ink is dry on the Final Judgment! It has been filed with the clerk’s office! After all that time and trouble, everyone has adjusted to a new routine. But wait a minute!
While hundreds of same-sex couples happily lined up this past Tuesday to get married after a federal judge ruled the state’s ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional, Florida divorce lawyers readied their practices for more business.