
Primer on Government in the State of Florida

Primer on Government in the State of Florida

Florida has several layers of government.  Below is the basic make up.

Federal Government

  • Florida has two United States Senators of the 100 total, Bill Nelson (D) and Marco Rubio (R).
  • Florida has 27 United States Congressmen of the 435 total. Our local congressmen are Ron DiSantis (R)  and John Mica (R).
 State Government
  • Florida has 4 statewide elected officials, Governor Rick Scott, Attorney General Pam Bondi, Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater and Agricultural Secretary Adam Putnam.
  • The Florida Legislature has two branches. The Florida State Senate has 40 members.  Our local state senator is Dorothy Hukill (R). The Florida State House has 120 members. Our local representatives are Fred Costello (R), David Santiago (R) and Paul Renner (R).
  • The Florida Supreme Court is made up of 7 justices who are appointed by the Governor and are subject to a retention vote every 6 years.
 Local Government
  • Florida has 67 counties. Volusia County, which has about 505,000 people, has a 7 member commission and is a manager form of government. Jason Davis is the county chair. Jim Dinneen is the county manager.
  • Volusia County has 16 cities. The largest is Deltona with about 85,000 people. The county seat is Deland.
  • There are other government entities that  impact your life such as the Water Management Districts, zoning boards and code enforcement. There are also non-governmental entities that can  affect you such as your Home Owner’s Association.  Rice & Rose Law Firm can help you with any matters that you may encounter.