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What to Do When Faced with Domestic Violence Charges

Don’t let the days pass by with uncertainty. Secure a trusted advocate if you’ve been charged with a crime. Learn how to get started with these tips.

Being accused of a crime is a traumatic experience. If you’re arrested as a result of charges brought against you, your thoughts might immediately turn to how the experience will impact your lifestyle.

You’ll wonder how such charges will affect your job and livelihood, relationships with friends and loved ones, and your standing in the community. Depending on the severity of the crime, you might also be concerned about your prospects of continuing to live in the same area.

Thankfully, there’s no need to navigate this stressful and confusing time on your own. Instead, it’s helpful to realize that there are skilled and qualified Daytona Beach attorneys who can help you make sense of the situation, and understand next steps in the process. Here’s what to do if you’re faced with domestic violence charges:

Know the Basics

Under Florida law, domestic violence encompasses any touching/striking of another person without their consent. Household members can be anyone from a spouse (or ex-spouse), to blood relatives, those living together (or who have lived together in the past), and people who have a child together, regardless of the current state of the relationship.

While the penalties for a domestic violence conviction vary based on the specifics of each incident, the outcome could have long-lasting consequences on your future. That’s why it’s essential to secure a trusted and reputable attorney before you admit any fault or even speak with a police investigator. You deserve a reliable advocate on your side to help you make sense at this emotionally-charged time.

Know the Consequences

As mentioned, domestic violence charges are very serious, and should not be taken lightly. It’s imperative that you immediately speak with a dynamic Daytona criminal lawyer who can offer valuable assistance. Rather than embrace fear, however, it’s important to know the potential fallout from a domestic violence conviction. That includes:

  • jail time
  • fines
  • possible additional fees
  • community service
  • probation
  • counseling

Remember that anyone can be charged with domestic violence, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, or beliefs. That’s why you need a trustworthy Daytona lawyer with a proven track record of legal success. This experienced professional will always treat you with the respect and dignity you deserve.

Explore Mutually-Beneficial Next Steps

In some cases, you might decide (or may be court ordered) to undergo some sort of counseling. This could be psychological, substance abuse-focused, or a combination of approaches. Aside from court-ordered involvement, voluntary participation could demonstrate a willingness to reach common ground. You might be able to arrive at a non-criminal resolution.

Still, your first step remains securing solid legal representation. When you partner with dependable attorneys in Daytona Beach, Florida, you get the peace of mind that your case will be handled on a personal level. That means the best interests of all parties involved will be fully considered.

Secure a Qualified Attorney

Some people think domestic violence charges only stem from physical contact. In fact, threats, harassment, and stalking can all result in criminal charges. Even if you’re not convicted, simply being arrested could haunt you forever. That’s why it’s paramount to partner with an outstanding criminal attorney.

Since 1983, Rice Law Firm has assisted countless Central Florida residents just like you with a variety of legal concerns. From criminal defense, to divorce and family law, personal injury/wrongful death, and more, we can help you find clarity in even the most complicated matters. Contact us today to move forward on your domestic violence case.