
Warrant needed to search a car’s “Black Box”

An appeals court in our state has recently ruled that law enforcement authorities must obtain a search warrant from a court as part of any criminal investigation before they can search or download information from a car’s ‘black box’, which is otherwise known as an electronic data recorder. The case before Florida’s 4th District Court of Appeals originated from a 2013 DUI Manslaughter and Vehicular Homicide case. The majority opinion by the 4th District Court of Appeals reflects a trend by the appellate courts around the country that holds that people have a reasonable expectation of privacy to their electronic storage devices, including now a car’s black box. The black box records a wide range if information about a person’s vehicle, including but not limited to, speed, braking, and steering. These black boxes have been installed in more and

more vehicles by manufacturers at the urging of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for the purpose of data collection, and to assist in highway and driver safety.
If you have been arrested or charged with a crime, and you would like to speak about your rights and legal representation, please give me a call for a free consultation at 386-257-1222. Our office is located in Daytona Beach, Florida, and we handle criminal matters throughout Central Florida.