
Former Rice & Rose Law Firm Partner, Karen Foxman, Candidate for Circuit Court Judgeship

Karen FoxmanKaren Foxman, pictured here, previously a partner with the Rice & Rose Law Firm for 7 ½ years, is a candidate for Circuit Court Judge in the Seventh Judicial Circuit which covers Volusia, Flagler, St. Johns and Putnam Counties. While with the Rice & Rose Law Firm, Ms. Foxman was president of the Volusia County Bar Association and the Volusia/Flagler Association of Women Lawyers. Ms. Foxman practiced in the areas of divorce and family law and criminal law during her years with Rice & Rose.

Prior to joining Rice & Rose, Ms. Foxman was a prosecutor with the Seventh Circuit State Attorney’s Office and received their offices Top Gun award for prosecuting the highest number of jury trials. Ms. Foxman is a diehard Tar Heel basketball fan, having graduated from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. After leaving Rice & Rose, Ms. Foxman returned to the State Attorney’s Office where she now serves as the Operations Director for Volusia County supervising over 45 career prosecutors.

All of the lawyers and staff with the Rice & Rose Law Firm wish Ms. Foxman the best with her new career path. She has exceeded expectations at every level of her career and will no doubt be an exemplary Circuit Court Judge in the Seventh Judicial Circuit.

Posted: June 26, 2014