Our office will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2nd for the Labor Day Holiday.


Collaborative Divorce and Family Law Practice

The Florida legislature recently passed legislation and the Supreme Court implemented new rules governing collaborative practice in family law.

Simply stated, collaborative practice offers a method of resolving disputes without going to court. In this approach, a team of professionals works with clients to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. The team consists of two lawyers, a neutral mental health professional and a neutral financial professional.

Divorcing spouses find it affords a way to treat each other with consideration, dignity and respect. It allows a level of confidentiality, control and privacy not present in the traditional court-centered litigation process.

Collaborative divorce can be cost-effective and it is generally found to minimize the impact of conflict on children, as the parties are supported by the team of professionals to guide and inform them along the way.

The Rice Law Firm attorneys, Paul Rice, Jr., Phil Bonamo, and Elizabeth King are trained in the Collaborative Method. To learn more or schedule a consultation to see if a collaborative divorce is right for you, call us for a consultation at 386 257 1222. More information is available at www.cfl-cfl.com.