
Author: Raymond Schumann - Board Certified Real Estate Attorney

Board Certified Real Estate Attorney Ray Schumann of Rice Law Firm provided legal services and closed the transaction for the sale of 3411 S. Atlantic Ave. The 1.04 acre property in Daytona Beach Shores Sold for $2,400,000.
Real Estate and Business Law Section Partner Ray Schumann participated in the ARC of Volusia's Inaugural Charity Golf Tournament on March 24th at LPGA International. About 110 Golfers played in the event.
Many Floridians enjoy the spaciousness and beauty of golf course views from their homes. Unfortunately, in these Homeowners’ opinion, this serenity is sometimes marred by golfers who seek, errant balls or by the balls themselves resounding off the exterior walls. Homeowners frequently wonder if there is anything that can be done about these annoyances.
Each year, The Daytona Beach Community Foundation holds a drawing for the Official Bike Week Motorcycle. It only takes $50 to enter ... American Iron Magazine and Chaos Cycle Present the Official Bike of 2018 Daytona Bike Week, a completely customized 2010 Harley-Davidson Super Glide.
Buying and selling a home is an exciting time, but there can be pitfalls for unsuspecting consumers .
In an effort to stop the Tax Reform Bill from harming homeownership tax incentives, over 300,000 Realtors wrote, texted, called and emailed Federal Legislators.
Although Hurricane Irma caused many community events in September to be rescheduled into a small available calendar for the month, Real Estate and Business Section Partner Ray Schumann maintained his and the firm's commitment to these organizations by attending 3 Events in 1 night on September 28th.
Real Estate Section Partner Ray Schumann attended the Chamber's Business After Hours Event on September 19th.