
3 Community Events – One Night

Although Hurricane Irma caused many community events in September to be rescheduled into a small available calendar for the month, Real Estate and Business Section Partner Ray Schumann maintained his and the firm’s commitment to these organizations by attending 3 Events in 1 night on September 28th.


Volusia County Bar Association Monthly Event

Family Law Attorney Beth King and Real Estate and Business Attorney Ray Schumann attended the Volusia County Bar Association’s Monthly Event which provides the attorneys from various areas of the County who may practice in different sectors of law the opportunity to gather, meet and discuss important legal and social topics concerning Volusia County and our State. This month’s Event was held at the Chart House Restaurant on the evening of September 28th. Pictured are Ray Schumann, Judge Chris Kelly, Beth King and Judge Leah Case

VCARD Icebreaker

Real Estate and Business Section Partner Ray Schumann attended VCARD’s 31st Annual Local Government Icebreaker Event on September 28th at the LPGA International’s Clubhouse. VCARD (Volusia County Association for Responsible Development) annually hosts the Event to provide an opportunity for professionals in the Real Estate and Development industries to meet with Governmental and Elected officials with a focus on providing an avenue of communication and rapport to support the common goal of working together for responsible development within our communities. Pictured on left are Ray Schumann and Larry McDermott, senior Business Relationship Manager for Intracoastal Bank (and a native/long-time resident of Daytona Beach) Pictured on right are Ray Schumann and Steve Sather, Managing Partner and Loretta Arthur, Broker, of Black Pearl Real Estate, a Real estate firm focused on Commercial Real Estate.

Volusia Proud

Volusia Proud held its inaugural Mentorship Program kickoff at Intracoastal Bank on the night of September 28th. Volusia Proud is a creation of the Daytona Chamber’s 37th Leadership Dayton Class of which firm Partner ray Schumann is a member. The focus of the Volusia Proud organization is the development of programs to provide career advice, guidance, education and support to Volusia County high school and college age individuals in order to enhance their own community and career worth which providing opportunity and incentive for those individuals to learn more about Volusia County with a goal of retaining more highly qualified, locally educate professional and business people for the future of our Community.
A secondary aspect of Volusia Proud is to raise awareness on local, regional and national levels as to the opportunities, lifestyle and quality events, activities and organizations within Volusia County in an effort to rebrand the County to more accurately reflect all Volusia County offers businesses, individuals and families. Visit the website at or “like” them on facebook.

Pictured on left is Ray Schumann with Michael Zaharios. Michael is the Program Director at the Florida High Tech Corridor Counsel connecting and promoting Florida’s entrepreneurship community through the state-wide Florida Virtual Entrepreneur Center online business resources directory at Michael’s focuses on entrepreneurship, starting and growing businesses, economic development strategies, social media marketing and leadership.
Pictured on right are Ray Schumann and Edrico Ambrister, Risk Management Analyst & Grant Coordinator, Office of Legal Affairs, Bethune-Cookman University. Edrico is a fellow classmate of Ray’s in the 37th Class of Leadership Daytona and Edrico is a critical member of the Volusia Proud Program.