
August is National Make-a-Will Month

August is National Make-a-Will Month. As noted by Carole Fleck, writer for AARP, sixty-four percent of all people in this country do not have a will.  In Florida, if an individual passes away without a will their property will pass according to a certain set of statutes. This is often referred to as “intestacy.”  Distribution via intestacy leaves no room for flexibility and makes the assumption that people want their property passing in a certain manner and to certain people. 

The importance of a will cannot be understated.  Using a will you can decide, based on your own wishes, who receives your property. You can also protect your business, appoint a guardian for a child, or determine which family member will be in charge of carrying out your wishes.
Making a will does not have to be difficult or arduous. At Rice and Rose we pride ourselves in providing quality, mistake-free legal services that allow our clients to attain peace of mind. If you are interested in learning more about wills, please give our office a call.

Matthew C. Shapiro, Esq.