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5 Dissolution of Marriage Terms You Must Know

When it comes to a dissolution of marriage, there can be a great deal of confusion and downright misinformation. As you navigate this trying time in your life, learning the terms and processes involved in your divorce can be cumbersome and even overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Instead, when you partner with a dynamic Daytona Beach divorce attorney, you benefit from valuable legal guidance and assistance. This dependable professional can help you throughout divorce proceedings, and work with you to reach solutions that benefit you and your loved ones, including minor children. Read on to discover some of the most popular divorce terms and their meanings.

1) No-Fault Divorce 

Some states have laws in effect that allow one person to file based on a specific ‘fault.’ That includes adultery, violence, abandonment, and other reasons. However, a no-fault divorce, as in Florida, addresses that the marriage is irretrievably broken, and as long as one or both spouses has resided in the state of Florida for 6 months or more prior to filing the Petition to start the dissolution, the Court has jurisdiction to accept and proceed with the case.  Specific grounds or reasons for the divorce do not have to be alleged in Florida.

As mentioned, going through a divorce can be an emotionally-charged situation. The issue becomes even more stressful when minor children are involved. That’s why it’s essential to partner with Volusia County attorneys who care, and who can help you reach a resolution that will best benefit you and your family.

2) Equitable Distribution

You may experience a situation where the court decides how marital property and other assets (such as financial accounts), will be divided, as well as marital liabilities.  Florida courts strive to achieve what’s known as equitable distribution. This is where property and debt that’s both independently and jointly-owned/held during the marriage is evaluated and separated based on several statutory factors. The final decision occurs at the court’s discretion, if the parties cannot agree, but the strong presumption in Florida is a fifty percent distribution (50%/50%).

To protect yourself and your property/assets, it’s integral that you team with a reliable divorce attorney in Daytona Beach. This way, you get the peace of mind that you’re being treated fairly every step of the way, and avoid a situation where you could be taken advantage of.

3) Alimony 

Sometimes referred to as “spousal maintenance” or “spousal support,” alimony is a court-ordered payment system from one former spouse to another, that occurs following divorce proceedings. The court takes into account the financial state and needs of both spouses, and then makes a determination of payments based on several factors under Florida law.

Alimony is not always meant to be a long-term support system. Instead, there are typically terms by which the receiving spouse must work toward financial independence. In addition, there are several types of alimony that you might encounter, such as temporary, bridge-the-gap, rehabilitative, durational, as well as permanent alimony. Speak with skilled and qualified Ormond Beach attorneys to learn more about your rights and responsibilities in this regard.

4) Procedural Information  

Many people approach divorce with an idea of which partner is going to “win.” In fact, the process is much more complicated and intricate than this. You’ll need to consider provisions such as asset distribution, care for minor children, and more.

During this time, it’s also important not to take advice from friends or relatives, even if they’ve been divorced before. The fact of the matter is that each divorce is unique. Instead, it’s best to contact a trusted and reputable Daytona Beach divorce attorney who can provide you with both valuable assistance, important peace of mind, and how to procedurally navigate through the process.  There are many rules of procedure in a dissolution of marriage case, one of which is mandatory financial disclosure.  We can help guide you through this technical process.

5) Other Essential Knowledge

Throughout the process of your divorce, you may encounter any number of other terms and phrases, including parenting plan, non-marital property, social investigations, parenting coordinators, guardian ad litem, case management conference, docket soundings, and more. There’s no need to perform thorough research into legal terms, or attempt to become an expert on the details of divorce. Instead, you want and deserve a dependable attorney who can help you make sense of this trying time.

Since 1983, we’ve assisted countless residents just like you with a variety of legal needs. In addition to dissolution of marriage and family law, we also specialize in business and corporate law, wills trusts, estate planning, senior divorce, and more. Contact us today with any questions you might have about your impending divorce.