
Jim Rose, 2014 Daytona Regional Chamber chairman, statement to its members

JimWhat an exciting time to live in the Daytona Beach area!  With the work going on at the  Daytona Rising and the Cici and Hyatt Brown Museum of Art, the coming of Daytona Live, the Hard Rock Hotel and Prototype developments, and the exciting work at Embry Riddle University and the refurbishment of many hotels on our beach side, the Daytona Beach area is experiencing a renaissance.  The Daytona Regional Chamber is ready, willing and able to do all it can to facilitate the success of these and all the businesses in our area.

The Chamber has been in existence for 95 years.  I am honored to serve as this year’s  Chairman of the Board.  The Chamber is made up of more than 900 business members and has a Board of some 50 prominent community leaders.  The commitment of our members and Board members to improve business in our area is crucial to the success of everyone in our community.  I want to particularly express my appreciation to the Board members and other committee members for the hard work they put in to make the Chamber successful.

We are fortunate to have Nancy Keefer as our new President to lead the Chamber.  Nancy brings years of chamber experience and will lead our fine staff in providing first class value to our members.  I am excited to be working with Nancy and look forward to moving the Chamber forward in 2014.

The Chamber will continue to advocate for our member businesses and our community.  Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.  Have a prosperous 2014.

Posted January 16, 2014