Our office will be closed on Friday, March 29th for Good Friday.

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Author: Matthew Shapiro

Several Rice Law Firm employees recently traveled to St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church to enjoy the sights, sounds, and food associated with the Greek Festival.
Rice Law Firm attorneys Ray Schumann, Elizabeth King, Doug Williams and Matthew Shapiro attended the annual membership meeting of the Volusia County Bar Association on Friday August 4 at the Bill France Room at Daytona International Speedway.
Rice Law Firm Associate Matthew Shapiro was recently recognized by the Young Lawyers Division of the Volusia County Bar Association for his service as President of the organization.
It may be an overused cliche, but there truly is no time like the present when it comes getting necessary estate planning documents in place. So often the typical client that seeks out an attorney for a Will, Trust, or other commonly utilized document is elderly or in the midst of a health crisis.
The greater Daytona Beach area is a beautiful place to live and that is in large part due to its numerous trees. Although a large number of individuals were fortunate enough not to have sustained extreme property damage due to Hurricane Matthew, many homeowners are currently dealing with fallen trees that have harmed their homes or are littering their lawns.
When someone believes they have been harmed they often turn to the judicial system for a remedy. But what happens if the potential defendant lives in another location? Although a person's first inclination may be to seek out the help of an attorney in their city, they must first determine whether it is even appropriate for the local court to preside over their case.
For some people the purchase of a condominium unit signifies a change in lifestyle. They are moving from their detached home with its lawn and frequent maintenance to a relatively care free unit often overlooking the ocean, a river, or a golf course. However, not everyone shares this vision.
It is the nightmare of every tenant. You pay rent, don’t cause any trouble, and suddenly you learn that the property you live in is going through a foreclosure. Worse yet, some tenants do not become aware of the foreclosure until after it is completed and the new owner expects them to vacate the property. The question becomes, how fast must a tenant relocate?
A Homeowners Association, also known as an “HOA,” is an interesting creature of statute. When an individual buys a property governed by an HOA they automatically become a member of the association and their property is subject to the restrictions set forth in the Declaration of Covenants.
Most every lawsuit has two phases: obtaining a judgment and collecting on the judgment.  When an individual loses a lawsuit or is threatened with a lawsuit one of their first thoughts is how to shield their assets so as to prevent collection.