Our office will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2nd for the Labor Day Holiday.

Theft Crimes

Theft Crimes


Theft crimes generally arise when an individual takes property or money from another person with the intent to permanently deprive the rightful owner of his or her property. In some cases, theft may be committed by threats or violence.  In other cases, theft may involve fraud. 

At Rice Law Firm, we defend clients against all theft crimes, including, but not limited to:

  • petty theft
  • grand theft
  • retail theft
  • fraud
  • dealing in stolen property
  • worthless checks
  • robbery 
  • burglary 

Theft crimes and their penalties vary greatly.  Theft can be classified as either a misdemeanor or felony, depending on a variety of factors, including the value of the property involved, whether the accused has prior theft convictions, and the nature of the offense.  If convicted, you could face a potential sentence of probation and fines or years in prison, again depending on the value of the property, the type of offense, your criminal history, and other factors.  The penalties for theft can be enhanced for each subsequent conviction. 

At Rice Law Firm, we represent first-time theft offenders and repeat offenders.  We recognize that a theft conviction can have long-term consequences and could significantly limit your professional and educational pursuits.  If you have been arrested for a theft crime, we will examine the evidence in your case to see if we can get the charges against you reduced or dropped.  We will work vigorously to protect your rights and formulate an aggressive defense.

Please contact us through our web mail contact form, or through our main office number, 386.257.1222. We understand that you may need our assistance after-hours or on the weekends, and in such situations, we can be reached at our after-hours number of 386.255.2464.

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